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2021, 16'

Short film about a little girl who walks on abandoned railroad tracks, hoping to meet her family at the station.


Music clips

Since 2020

Clips illustrating classical or modern music works.



Mater Purissima

FAMU International, 2018, 10’

Short post-apocalyptic fiction film shot on 16 mm.



FAMU International, 2018, 11’45’’

Short fairytale about a sad statue-man who meets a young boy.



FAMU International, 2017, 1’45’’

Short film exercise shot on 16 mm Bolex camera.


The Promise

2017, 4’24’’

Poetic documentary about a ceramic tile workshop.





Lupin, Season 2

Dir. Hugo Gélin, 2023

3rd AD.


Dir. Alice Isaaz, 2022

1st AD.


Dir. Sengthe Vanh Bouapha, 2022

1st AD.



Dir. Romain Quirot, 2021

3rd AD on this feature film about gangsters in Paris in the 1900s.




Dir. Gaspar Noé, 2019

3rd AD on this clip for SebastiAn .



Lux Aeterna


Dir. Gaspar Noé, 2019
3rd AD on this film that was screened at Cannes midnight screening in 2019.




Dir. Paula Mangano, 2018, 25’.

1st AD on this short student film. Shooting involved 7 days, 5 night shifts and more than 30 extras, including young children.




Dir. Vladimir Vladimirov, 2017, 10’

2nd AD on this short student film.


Dir. Aurélie Saada, 2022

Feature film shot in winter 2020. I was assistant production manager.


Je te Promets

Dir. Renaud Bertrand, 2020

TV series shot in summer 2020. I was assistant production manager.


L'Origine du Monde


Dir. Laurent Lafitte, 2019

Feature film shot in June and July 2019. I was assistant production manager.


Les Parfums


Dir. Grégory Magne, 2018

Feature film shot in October and November 2018. I was assistant production manager.




Dir. Raghuvir Khare, 2018, 10’.

Gaffer on this student short-film.


other skills

The Anatomy of Story and writing the TV drama, by John Truby. In October 2020, I attended the full ten days seminar on how to write a story for cinema and TV series.


In-depths study of Robert McKee’s books (screenwriting and dialogues), including pratical screenwriting exercises.


Fluid Master Workshop with director Gyula Gazdag. I wrote and directed a five minutes scene shot in a single take in studio with a dolly crew and five actors.


Cinemadance, a three days intensive session of writing, shooting and editing a five minutes fiction film.


Directing Actors three days module with Mr. Jerry Coyle.


Various workshops and classes in directing actors, set design, story-telling, story-boarding, cinematography, sound design, production etc.

my masters

  • Andreï Tarkovski : for the invisible on the screen.


  • Emir Kusturica : for his sense of life.


  • Jim Jarmush : for the poems of everyday.


  • Robert Bresson : for precision in beauty.


  • Vaclav Kadrnka : for the innocence of the subjects.


  • Michaël Dudok de Wit : for what is essential in man.

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